Jeremy Shaw
Phase Shifting Index,
Centre Pompidou, Paris ,
7 channel-video-installation
Image courtesy of Jeremy Shaw and König Galerie, Berlin
Cathartic Illustration (New Covenant A, L/4),
64 x 44 x 3 cm,
screen print, silver-gilded frame
Cathartic Illustration (Impassioned Sermon R D3),
79.5 x 54.5 x 3 cm,
screen print, silver-gilded frame
Cathartic Illustration (Emotional Audience, L2),
79.5 x 54.5 x 3,
screen print, silver-gilded frame
Towards Universal Pattern Recognition (NOV 1988. PICTURE LIBRARY NA149.677),
38,1 x 46,8 x 16 cm,
Archival photo, Acrylic, Chrome
Towards Universal Pattern Recognition (Greenbelt Festival, “Faith and Feelings”. 29/8/94),
47,6 x 37,4 x 16 cm,
Archival photo, Acrylic, Chrome
Towards Universal Pattern Recognition (Brain Club. Wardour St. 17/2/92),
46,8 x 38,1 x 16 cm,
Archival black and white photo, acrylic, chrome
Unseen Potential (Psilocybe Utopia, a.2),
67,7 x 52,7 x 5 cm,
Kirlian photograph
Unseen Potential (Psilocybe Tampanesis, a.1),
67,7 x 52,7 x 5 cm,
Kirlian photograph
Phase Shifting Index,
Centre Pompidou, Paris ,
7 channel-video-installation
Image courtesy of Jeremy Shaw and König Galerie, Berlin
Installation view,Towards Universal Pattern Recognition, KÖNIG GALERIE, 2016. Image courtesy of KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin.,
Towards Universal Pattern Recognition (Copy 9.3.91. Computers. Sep 23 1991), kaleidoscopic acrylic, chrome, archival black/white photograph, 2016, 37.5 x 42.5 x 16 cm, unique. Image courtesy of KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin.,
Towards Universal Pattern Recognition (9.20.00 Z.N. Prayer. 2-35 Olsen), kaleidoscopic acrylic, chrome, archival colour photograph, 2016, 42.5 x 37.5 x 16 cm, unique. Image courtesy of KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin.,
Degenerative Imaging (4 Years Alcohol), 2015, UV print on glow-in-the-dark vinyl on Dibond, 2015, 32" x 25",
Variation FQ (#05118) ,
25.5 x 20.4 cm,
silver gelatin print
Variation FQ,
exhibition view Schinkel Pavillion, Berlin,
Transcendental Capacity (Billboard Hot 100 - 1969),
75cm x 305.2cm x 6cm,
101 Kirlian Polaroids in frame
Unseen Potential (Yopo - Anadenanthera Peregrina),
119.5 x 91.7 cm, unique,
Kirlian Polaroid enlargement, framed
Introduction to The Memory Personality,
Single channel video installation with original soundtrack,
Transcendental Capacity (Madonna - Justify My Love, 1990),
3.25” x 4.25” (8.3 cm x 10.8 cm),
Kirlian polaroid
Best Minds Part One, 2008, two channel video installation with original soundtrack, 40’00” loop, dimensions variable - Installation at Stedelijk Museum Offsite (Troeuv), Amsterdam, NL.,
DMT, 2004, 8 channel-video-installation, dimensions variable3/3 + 2AP.,